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How do I... Update a broken tags list?

Tags have been updated to optimize the CMS ahead of the introduction of VTx.

If you have a list component to dynamically pull in articles in to display on your website using VT News nested tags, i.e. “Campus and Community > Publications”, you will need to update it to use the individual tag for ‘Publications’.

The following screenshots illustrate the need.

from nested tags
Nested tags that need to be edited
flattened tags
The same tags - but flattened


  • If you've used multiple nested tags to build your list, you will need to change the Match filter to “all tags” rather than the default. 
  • Flattening multiple tags may change the number of results pulled into your list.
  • If you had a tag like the ones in this example, consider removing the parent tags altogether. i.e. If you initially used “ Tags: College of Science > Mathematics”, rather than using both tags “ Tags: College of Science” and “ Tags: Mathematics” use only “ Tags: Mathematics”.
change the match
Now change the Match filter