How Do I ... Join or leave the Ensemble email listserv?
Stay up to date with Ensemble CMS changes, issue notices and resolutions, and join the Virginia Tech community of knowledgable users. From web administrators of large scale networks to individual users, let’s connect.
Add yourself to the CMS Users email list
- Go to Google's Find and join a group page
- Step 1, be sure you log in with your Virginia Tech account,
- Step 2 under "Join a group directly", search for "CMS Users" then go to Step 4 and continue.
Remove yourself from the CMS Users email list
- Go to while logged in or log in with your Virginia Tech Google account.
- Under "My Groups" you should see all the Virginia Tech administrative groups assigned by the university, as well as any other groups you have been added to.
- Scroll to see the CMS Users group if not visible.
- Click the "Leave Group" icon, arrow left with a left bracket in the same row as the group title, "CMS Users".