The following are known issues and potential workarounds when using Ensemble.
If all you get is a blank page and the url in the browser shows two sites redirecting back and forth when logging in like:

Please clear your browser cache and cookies (specifically for, this problem will go away and you should be able to use Ensemble. We are still trying to track down the root cause of the problem, but please note that clearing the browser cache and cookies will require you to login with 2-factor again.
After logging in, a "No resource found" message is shown:

This message is shown when you have successfully logged in, but do not have permissions to edit content on any sites. Please talk to the web admin of the site (that you are expecting to edit) so that they can add you to the appropriate enterprise directory group for the site. Refer to the documentation for web admins on how to add / remove people from groups.
Once your PID has been added to the appropriate group, please logout ( of Ensemble and then log back in.