How do I store data in the CMS?
You don't!
There is no data store other than for pages and assets. You do have options, however.
NOTE: The CMS isn't really for research and instructional use, should your project be of either of those types. It is used for marketing and information -- with any transactional functions happening externally.
- Before deciding on your data solution, file a ticket with CMS support and discuss with your unit's web development personnel during the needs gathering phase so you can understand your options within the university's existing, and supported, environments.
- There are some ways to get external data into the CMS via XML or JSON, but it requires more advanced development work as there are no built-in components for doing this within Adobe Experience Manager (the back-end of Ensemble). Again, please file a ticket with CMS support and discuss your options with your unit's web development personnel.
- The university does still have additional web hosting services, but those aren't managed by CMS folks and you'd need to submit a Service Now ticket to request a hosting instance and information on how to use it.