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Documentation Text

The Documentation Text component allows for a text source to be displayed according to various documentation source formats. Currently we provide the following choices of the source text formats:

  1. CommonMark
  2. LaTeX
  3. Plain
    • This option just surround the text source with a HTML <code> element.
Document Text Component Title and Options configuration dialog
Document Text Component Title and Options configuration dialog


  • Choice between the following types of documentation text sources:
    • Common Markup: Renders HTML of parsed document.
    • LaTeX Formula: Displays an image (png) of the generated formula
    • Plain: Surrounds source code with the "code" html element.


  1. Component Title - Title for component
  2. CSS Class - CSS classes to add to component when rendering
  3. Documentation Text - Source for the rendered documentation text
  4. Type
    • CommonMark - Markdown
    • LaTeX Formula
    • Plain

CSS Classes

  • parbase
  • section
  • vt-doctext
  • vtdoctext