Virginia Tech® home

Initial site setup

When a new site is created in Ensemble a basic site structure exists containing the following items:

  1. Site level page
  2. 'en' page for English language localization
  3. index (home) page
  4. search page
  5. tags page
  6. robots.txt in assets for site

The site will not be live until a launch request and DNS update are filed via a support ticket. However, the site will have a "staged" version so pages can be published before launch and be viewed by internal VT stakeholders. All settings and edits will be retained for published pages once the site is made live.

The URL for the staged version of a site is:, or

The proper URL for the staged site depends on whether there is a subdomain or not in the desired, published URL, e.g., would be, and would be, respectively.

NOTE: When creating new pages, do not create pages as children of the main home page (index). You will break the site.